Individualised Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

In our modern society there are a multitude of substances we encounter every single day that can cause our hormonal profile to become unbalanced. Everything from food additives, plastics, household cleaners, certain commercial dyes, and many prescription medications can be the culprit.
Substantial negative side effects are seen when our sex hormones are out of sync in both males and females.
Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance For Women Include:
Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance For Men Often Are:
Unfortunately, because these chemicals are not exactly the same as those found in the human body, unwanted and intolerable side effects can occur. For instance, look at the structural difference between the synthetic hormone medroxyprogesterone and your body’s natural hormone, progesterone:
Side chains (red structures) are added to progesterone which enables the drug company to patent the drug. There is no increase to the efficacy of the drug. Natural progesterone (grey structures) cannot be patented and cannot be monopolized by big pharmaceutical companies.
Natural progesterone may be the safest and most effective hormone therapy for you. This type of therapy is called bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).
BHRT is designed and tailored to your own body's hormones, it is made from the same structures and functions in the same way as endogenous hormones. The hormones act in the same pathways as your own body's hormones and thus, restores the balance in the most effective and least intrusive way.
Many physicians are starting to prescribe bio-identical hormone replacement to their patients. In order to find out if your doctor is one, simply ask them. If you need a recommendation, feel free to give us a call.
Your health is the most precious possession you have.
Why not live each day to its optimal potential; mentally, spiritually, and physically?
Clayton Central Pharmacy can assist you. We can:
Substantial negative side effects are seen when our sex hormones are out of sync in both males and females.
Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance For Women Include:
- Dysmenorrhea (cramps)
- Irregular Periods
- Osteoporosis
- Insomnia/ Disturbed Sleep
- Depression
- Night Sweats
- Weight Gain
- Hot Flashes
- Poor Concentration
Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance For Men Often Are:
- Excessive tiredness
- Inability to concentrate at work
- Lack of sex drive
- Feelings of depression
- Poor work capacity
- Fat gain
- Muscle loss
- Insomnia
Unfortunately, because these chemicals are not exactly the same as those found in the human body, unwanted and intolerable side effects can occur. For instance, look at the structural difference between the synthetic hormone medroxyprogesterone and your body’s natural hormone, progesterone:
Side chains (red structures) are added to progesterone which enables the drug company to patent the drug. There is no increase to the efficacy of the drug. Natural progesterone (grey structures) cannot be patented and cannot be monopolized by big pharmaceutical companies.
Natural progesterone may be the safest and most effective hormone therapy for you. This type of therapy is called bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).
BHRT is designed and tailored to your own body's hormones, it is made from the same structures and functions in the same way as endogenous hormones. The hormones act in the same pathways as your own body's hormones and thus, restores the balance in the most effective and least intrusive way.
Many physicians are starting to prescribe bio-identical hormone replacement to their patients. In order to find out if your doctor is one, simply ask them. If you need a recommendation, feel free to give us a call.
Your health is the most precious possession you have.
Why not live each day to its optimal potential; mentally, spiritually, and physically?
Clayton Central Pharmacy can assist you. We can:
- Save you time by being a resource to address questions regarding BHRT
- Recommending specific courses of therapy to your physician based upon your individual needs
- Address questions regarding side effects and ongoing therapy.
- Assist your physician with therapy adjustments on an ongoing basis to assure optimal results.